Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stablio bionic review

I thought I'd start off this blog with a review of my current favorite pen, the Stablio Bionic. I adore this pen, despite its flaws. This pen is my go-to favorite that I miss dearly when I cannot find it at the bottom of my bag or drawer.

My overall rating of this pen is a 5/5. I love this pen because it has a smooth, dark, line that works well with my loose, big writing style.  The Bionic is a great multi -tasker for me, I keep it near for both everyday writing and sketching.  The pen has a nice flow of ink that works well both on the plain notebook paper, and heavy bristol paper.

There is a slight bleed through on the notebook paper, especially on heavily layered elements.  For me, this isn't a dealbreaker, but if bleedthrough is your nemesis, then you may skip this one.  The flow of ink is smooth, and the color is a true, dark black with no apologies.  The line is bold, so if you are a small or precise writer, then you may not find yourself a fan of the Bionic.  The Bionic does squeak when it writes, some may find that annoying.  I am not a huge fan of the Orange Color Scheme, but it's easy to find in a pile.

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